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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

Assalam and Hi everyone...

Have you ever heard about PISA?? The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in member and non-member nations of 15-year-old school pupils' scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading. It was first performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years. It is done with a view to improving education policies and outcomes. Malaysia had been participating in PISA test since 2009. (more info about PISA CLICK HERE)

PISA aims at testing literacy in three competence fields: reading, mathematics, science on a 1000 point scale. Next year (2015) PISA test main focus will be Science Literacy. The questions in PISA test are HOTS questions and the texts for Reading Literacy are quite long to read (for some students). 

To be honest, I'm not really aware of this test until my school had to undergo PISA pre-test awhile ago and my name had been chosen to attend the PISA Reading Literacy Workshop recently. Well PISA Workshop really opened my mind and I decided to start thinking outside the box.

Before I went the workshop, I used to think why don't MOE just choose top school in Malaysia to sit for PISA test to make sure our result gempak. But this is how it works:

  1. Population : All students age 15+
  2. Sample Framework : All schools in Malaysia that have students age 15+
  3. School Sample Selection : 150 schools randomly choose using Stratified Multi Stage Cluster Sampling method
  4. Student Sample Selection : 35 students age 15+ randomly choose using KeyQuest application
*So each school in Malaysia will have the same probabilities to be choose to sit for PISA test next year!!

For more info about PISA by MOE, CLICK HERE

On the next post I will upload some of the materials I get from the workshop for references...


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