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Monday, 27 June 2016


Assalam and good day,

Before we learn about the poem, here are some introductions about WHAT WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT POEM.

For form 2 - the poems are MY HERO and WHAT IS RED?

My dad's as brave as a dad can be,
I rate him Number One,
He's not afraid of the dead of night, 
Or anything under the sun.

He's not afraid of a late-night film,
Full of horrors on the telly,
And is he afraid of skeletons?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!

He's not afraid of meeting ghost,
He'd even smile and greet 'em,
And things that scare most dads the most,
My dad could just defeat 'em.

He's not afraid of vampires,
Or a wolf-man come to get him,
If Frankenstein's monster knocked on our door,
He wouldn't let that upset him.

My dad's as brave as a dad can be,
And he's always ready to prove it,
So why, when a spider's in the bath,
Does Mum have to come and remove it.

Time frame : No specific time frame.
Place : The location is not specifically mentioned. There are references to somewhere dark, possibly a living room where late-night film watched or at home. 

The speaker is a young child but there is no mention whether the child is a girl or a boy.

The poem is filled with pride and admiration.


  • HERO WORSHIP - The poem illustrates the pride and admiration the child has for the father.
  • FEARS AND PHOBIAS - The child is afraid of the dark, ghosts, skeletons and many more. The father, despite being brave is afraid of spiders. 
  • FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS - The poem depicts the relationship of a family unit. While the father may be the hero in the child's life, the mother is just as important. She play her role when the father is faced with his fear of spiders.

  • We must respect and value our parents
  • It is important to have good role models.
  • Each of us have our own strengths and weaknesses.



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